cricket lovers

Every one is wellcome here i hope you will visite this blog even if there is no cricket because i will need youre ideas to improve this blog. please say and feel free what ever you say about youre team but do not say somthing which heart others.
if you want to share something about cricket please share it.
i hope every one one will enjoye cricket.

Sunday, 6 July 2008


Srilanka and India are going to play the Asia cup final 2008 lets see who will play better today although srilanka is favorite for this match,but is is cricket anything happen Indian have a strong bating line but they are struggling in bowling.srilanka have a very strong bowling and a better fielding side.


Wednesday, 2 July 2008


After losing to Pakistan India have to win against srilanka to qualify for the final of Asia cup.srinlanka is in great shape on the other side India lose to poor Pakistani side India have to work hard to stay in the tournament.srilanka is already in the final so may be the will not play with same squad with which they play the privies matches but whatever srilankan come with for India it is do or die situation they have to win.


Pakistan have one last chance to stay in asia cup.but against the strong indian side its not going to be easy specailly with the current which dont have the key bowlers pakistan will need some luck and good fielding to win this match if pakistan win this match it will make asia cup a bit intresting.india need a victory to play asia cup final but even if india lose they still have have a chance to play the final if the win agains the last match against srilanka or pakistan dont win booth of the matches with good runrat.any way we will know at the end of the day that who is going to play the final on sunday best of luck.

Sunday, 29 June 2008


Srilanka need to win this match to qualify for the grand final.If bangladish win this match it will be a great upset and there will be chance for the pakistani team.i hope it will not be one side story the links for the live sreaming are below watch the match good luck guys.hopfully it will be an intresting match.


Its gonna be a very tight match although umer gul will not be able to play for pakistan in the remaining matches.but srilanka is not in a good shape they also don't have the strike bowler malinga,both have strong bating line,i think it will be depend on who is going to field good luck to both of who will win hmmmmmmm the team who will field well today.enjoy cricket guys.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

india vs bangladish

today bangladish is going to check there luck.india have a very strong side but you never know bangladish have also a very young telented side they can do an upset,but are they are going today are not anyway there are some links below watch cricket and enjoye it

Friday, 27 June 2008

free live cricket streaming

if you are looking for cricket live streaming then you are in a right place.there are many links below some of them may not work but i am sure some of them are working because i am watching it right now.if you have any sugetion please let me know.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

ASIA CUP 2008 live

hello freinds
here in this blog you can find many links to watch free live asia cup.if one links doesnt work then there a dozen more so please visite the blog and watch free live cricket. the links are here.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

free live cricket paksitan vs india

i have post many sites where can you watch live cricket but some maybe not working in some areas so pleas dont get disapointed one or 2 must work. so if you can not watch cricket here then please let me know. i will find it for you people. thanks
some of the sites are here.
some of them need sopcast so install sopcast ask me if u cant find sopcast on net.

ASIAN CUP 2008 live streaming

here is another link boys.

live cricket asian cup 2008

here is another link to watch free streaming.please let me know if there is any problem.


here some links to watch free live cricket enjoye live cricket.on this site you will find 5 chanals but to watch cricket you download sopcast which is also there.

plz plz comment



Free live cricket highlights and fixture.
everyone is welcome here.this blog is for every one who love cricket.i will try to find live cricket links so every one can watch cricket but some time its impossible to do that so i request to every one if you know so please please share it with every one so every cricket can watch cricket.

hmmmmmmm one last thing please comment if you find this blog helpful or the other way.


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